When starting Onix Tool Store for the first time, you will be required to log in with an administrator account of Onix Work.
This is to ensure that the user has the necessary credentials to configure the application.
After the application has been set up, we differentiate between the roles of Administrator, Operator and User.
- The Administrator role requires an Onix Work account with administrator privileges. This user role can access Administration, RFID, Manage Accounts and Settings functions.
- The Operator role requires a normal Onix Work account. This user role can access Change Operator, Check Out and Manage Accounts functions.
- The User role does not require Onix Work account and new users can self-register themselves. Users can only access Check Out function after a successful identification with password or PIN.
In Change Operator function, Onix Tool Store can be run in Served (with an operator standing behind the counter) or Self-service (no human involved) mode.
When changing to Served mode, the Operator must identify himself with an Onix Work account.
Later on, any check out or return of equipment will be done by the operator, who can select users without any password or PIN.
In Self Service mode, the workers can check in/ check out any equipment himself with or without PIN/Password - depending on the setting on the app
Since the Spring 2 Release 2023, Onix Tool Store has supported the Zebra RFD90 scanner, enabling scanning both RFID and QR codes. This means that, you can now find equipment to check in/check out by scanning the Onix ID tag.
To check in/check out an equipment:
- Use the search box or Scan to find the equipment if it is registered in the location set in Settings
- Add it to your list
- Verify the Expected Return date
- If you need to keep track of place where the equipment’s going to be used, select the equipment and enter your input in Place to be used, then click Set
- Select Confirm and Logout.
- For stock and consumable equipment, you need to enter the number of items when adding Consumable or Stock items for check-out.
- In case you check out the equipment from a location and check in to another one, use Scan. When you scan, the equipment will be searched across all locations of your company, not limited to the one configured in the settings of Onix Tool Store.
- When returning equipment, it’s recommended to use the User search option. A single click shows a list of all equipment currently checked out by the logged in user.
Handle “Needs Service” Equipment
Equipment marked as Needs service are ones that are not OK and need to be fixed - therefore they cannot be added to the Checkout list
To mark an equipment as Needs Service,
- Add the equipment to the list
- Click the triangle icon on the equipment
- Check Needs Service
- Then Confirm and Logout
You can find “Needs service” equipment using this filter below
After the equipment is fixed, the Administrator or Operator can remove the “Needs Service” label by following the instructions below
- In Checkout Tile, use an Onix Work account to log in
- Find the equipment
- Click Return Control
- Confirm the equipment is checked and approved to use
As an administrator, you can use Onix Work to create custom instructions in Onix Tool Store. These instructions can be shown in Check out (under Search), Identification and Create Account screen.
To create an instruction,
- Go to Onix Work > Settings
- Select Instructions on the left side navigation
- Click New
- In Use during, select where you want the instruction to be displayed. There are 3 available options to choose from
- Check Out
- Identification
- Create Account
- Decide if the instruction applies for the whole company, or just limit to a specific location
- Enter the instruction and Save.
- Then restart Onix Tool Store
Administration tile is used to administer all equipment in the store. You can search for individual equipment by in/out status and other status characteristics.
For each equipment you may add notes or open it in Onix Work for a complete overview using the right side buttons.
Lost Goods
Any Consumable or Stock items in your store will have a quantity of available items. Over time this number may get out of sync and leave unwanted checked-out records open.
Lost Goods option will allow you to clean up old registrations to bring the store back in sync.
Onix Tool Store can handle multiple RFID scanners of different types and for different purposes.
General Use can be used both for equipment and access cards. But If you have a separated access card reader, it can be directly designated as such, avoiding cross read issues from nearby equipment.
If Gate Reader is selected, it will automatically detect the presence of equipment passing it, and the direction of movement, allowing automatic handling of check out and return of equipment.
Manage Accounts tile gives the Operator and Administrator full control of user data, and help associate RFID access cards with their designated user.
For pre-coded access cards, simply click Scan Card and then Connect card to user .
For blank access cards, click Get default user code to generate a unique ID, then Write users code to card .
Settings tile controls the application’s behaviors and options, most of which are self-explanatory.
Identification method
As an administrator, you can decide which identification method that is best suited for your company
- Scan ID card: this enables the workers to enter or scan their card to identify themselves when checking in/checking out equipment from the store.
- If you use the Zebra RFD90 scanner, your employees can scan the QR code or barcode on their card to log in the system.
- Select user from a list: This option should only be activated for Manned mode, which gives the operator access to admin functions without logging in by the admin account. For added security, apply the Use PIN option.
- Self-service mode allows the admin to decide if PIN/password is required when the workers check in/ check out equipment from the store. In case the Self-service is unchecked, the workers can go straight in without any PIN/password
Scan buttons in Check Out
This setting allows the administrator to show/ hide the scan buttons in Checkout Screen - depending on the available scanner of the store.
Check Out
- Location: It is required to select the location of the Store. Once specified, you can search within the app all equipment registered in this location internally. However, as mentioned before, you can scan equipment to find across locations of your company
- Automatic search, limit: This controls the number of rows returned when you manually search in the search box
- Default number of days to expected return date: The default returned date will be calculated by using the current day + the number of days specified in the settings.
- Auto-confirm after (seconds): This is very useful for Self-service mode. Should a user initiate a Check out without confirming, the program will confirm the transactions after the given time, leaving the Tool Store ready for the next user