I have a Customer who has a lot of equipment - distributed in different locations, but similar buildings. But I can only use, select area under one location, there is a scroll text menu, but only works in one location and may not add to the others.
Jeg har en Kunde som har en mengde utsyr, det er fordelt på forskjellige lokasjoner, men like bygg.
Men jeg får bare brukt, velg område under en lokasjon, det er en rulletekst-meny, men virker bare på en lokasjon og får ikke legge til på de andre
Area can be used in 2 different ways.
You can have general area not related to any location, this can e.g. be service, mechanic, store,….
- If you use general areas not related to any location, these will be available on all equipment, for all locations and also when no location is selected.
The other way of using area is to relate these to locations. This might be e.g. location Stavanger and area can be reception area, Building A, ………
- These locations will then only be available when you have first selelcted the actual location.
Location and Area is defined by the equipment owner. If the equipment owner does not have an Onix Work account, you can create this in Company module for the actual company.
We recommend you to not mix these to ways of using area, decide if you want to use general areas or areas related to location.