Is it possible to get reports on jobs performed?

Is it possible to get reports on jobs performed? Think of jobs that are inside as operator-controlled inspection connected to equipment.


Er det mulig å få rapporter på jobber utført? Tenker da på jobber som ligger inne som operatørstyrt inspeksjon koblet til utstyr.


  • I would like a report showing with operator rounds that have been done and witch should have been done. From date, to date.
  • Har du flere innspill angående dette?
    Hvilke detaljer trenger du for utførte operatørjobber?
    Er det bare utstyrs id og dato jobben ble utført eller trenger du mer detaljer?
    I så tilfelle kan du beskrive litt mer om hvilken informasjon du ønsker?
    Når det gjelder ikke utførte operatørjobber tenker du da på jobber som var planlagt bak i tid som ikke er gjennomført eller oversikt over utstyr med planlagt operatørjobber frem i tid. Trenger også her input mer om hvilke detaljer du ønsker om disse ikke gjennomførte operatørjobbene.
    • What details do you need for performed operator jobs?
      Is it just the equipment ID and date the job was done or do you need more details?
      If so, could you describe a little more about what information you want?
      When it comes to operator jobs that have not been carried out, you are thinking of jobs that were planned in the past that have not been carried out or an overview of equipment with planned operator jobs in the future. Also need more input here about what details you want about these uncompleted operator jobs.

Please vote for this idea if you agree so that we can prioritize it.
If you have any inputs, we’d love to hear them :blush:

I am pleased to inform you that we now have functionality available for you in Onix Work which we think will cover your need.
In Job module you can print a list of jobs performed or export the list to excel.
In the job module you are allowed to filter e.g. all operator jobs done in a specific period and you can create your own views where you can decide which fields to be listed, e.g. job date, done by, job status, checklist, equipment ID.