Member companies can connect with each other to share equipment data at various access levels. Learn how to manage current connections and expand network with new partner companies in the sections below.
1. Understand access types and access levels
1.1. Access types
When your company forms a connection with another member company, you have to decide the access type:
- Access their data: You can see or edit their equipment.
- Share your data: Their users can see or edit your equipment.
1.2. Access levels
For demonstration purposes, imagine you are working for BigTec company and BigTec is supplying equipment to UpLift company. When forming a connection, you choose “Share your data” type.
In ascending order, the level of your access to UpLift’s data can be:
a. Supplier
- You can create and deliver equipment to UpLift. You can update these delivered equipment.
b. Read-only
- You can create and deliver equipment to UpLift. You can update these delivered equipment.
- You can see all the equipment owned by UpLift.
c. Inspector
- You can create and deliver equipment to UpLift. You can update these delivered equipment.
- You can see all the equipment owned by UpLift.
- You can update and inspect equipment owned UpLift for all control categories or only for some specific control categories.
The following View connection details panel shows an example where BigTec is requesting access at “Supplier” level to UpLift’s data:
2. Connect with a member company
2.1. Create a new connection
- Switch to All companies or Not connected companies view first.
- Select a member company from the list → Click on Connect or Connect now.
- Choose the access type: Access their data or share your data.
- Choose an access level.
- Leave a comment about this connection if necessary.
- Review all information → Decide whether to send notification email about this new access request or data sharing → Click on Finish.
What happens next?
- If you share your data, the connection is formed immediately.
- If you request to access their data, the connection will not be formed until the other member company approves your request. You can check the request status by pressing Connection requests on the toolbar.
2.2. Edit current connection with a member company
When you select a member company, you can find a summary of your connection below the company profile picture.
- To see more details and any related comment, click on View connection details.
- To change the connection’s access level or create a new connection with a different access type, click on View connection details → select Edit connection.
3. Handle connection requests
In Connection requests, you can find all connection requests, either sent by other member companies to access your company’s data or by your company to access their data.
Depending on the type of requests, you can choose to accept, reject or simply dismiss it.