OpenAPI – Transfer products

1. Overview

The product APIs allow you to create a large number of products with significantly less effort compared to manually creating them in Onix Work. Here is how to create an product using Onix Work OpenAPI:

  • Initially, create the product by making a POST request to the endpoint:
    POST /v1/company/products (see section 2. Create or update a product)
    If successful, the system will return a unique productId.

  • Proceed to add properties into the product using:
    POST /v1/company/products/properties (see section 3. Add or update product’s properties)

  • Proceed to add forms into the product using:
    POST /v1/company/products/forms (see section 4. Add or update product’s forms.)

  • Proceed to update forms’ properties in the product using:
    POST /v1/company/products/form-properties (see section 5. Update forms’ properties.)

Here’s a table showing models used by the endpoints:

Endpoint Model
POST /v1/company/products ProductInfo
POST /v1/company/products/properties ProductPropertiesInfoDto
POST /v1/company/products/forms ProductFormInfoDto
POST /v1/company/products/form-properties ProductFormPropertiesInfoDto

2. Create or update a product

API overview

Endpoint POST /v1/company/products
Description Create or update a product
Usage Call this API to create a product and obtain productId from the Onix Work system.
Return The Onix Work system ID of newly created/updated product ID.
Return type: int.


It must retrieve the control category through the endpoint: GET /v1/company/control-categories

Request parameters and body

Differences between create and update mode:

  • Create: To create a product, omit the productId field and provide a unique productNo. The importId is optional.
  • Update: To update an order, provide either the orderId, importId, or productNo. These values must already existed in the Onix Work system for your company.

When a field value is null, it follows the rules explained in API requests and responses, if no specific rules are mentioned.

The corresponding request body type can be found at Swagger UI, model ProductInfo.

Field Data type Required Description & Constraints
productId int No* The Onix Work system’s product ID.
To update a product, either the productId, importId, or productNo must be provided with the following priority: productId > importId > productNo
importId string No* Constraint: length ≤ 50.
Your system’s product ID (optional).
This field can be used to identify the product in the Onix Work system.
Typically used for creating or updating products.
productNo string Yes Constraint: length ≤ 250.
Your system’s product number.
This field can be used to identify the product in the Onix Work system.
Typically used for creating or updating products.
statusId int No statusId is the enum with values:
1 – Dynamic
2 – Draft
3 – Approved
4 – New from ERP
status string No The description of the specified statusId value, translated by the user login language when displaying in the UI.
If this field has a value in the body request, ignore it.
active boolean No The active status of product. There are 2 states: true or false
controlCategoryId int No The ID of control category.
Get this value from API: GET /v1/company/control-categories
Note that the Open API won’t support removing this field’s data, but users can do it manually if needed.
controlCategoryDescription string No The description of the specified controlCategoryId value, translated by the user login language when displaying in the UI.
If this field has a value in the body request, ignore it.
controlcategoryDescAndComment string No The description & comment of the specified controlCategoryId value, translated by the user login language when displaying in the UI.
If this field has a value in the body request, ignore it.
placement string No Constraint: length ≤ 50.
The placement of the product
type string No Constraint: length ≤ 50.
The equipment type.
model string No Constraint: length ≤ 100.
The equipment model.
If the model doesn’t include in the body request or include with a null value.

When creating a new product, the model will be obtained from the from description field.
When updating the existing product, the model will be unchanged whether the description field has value or not.
description string No Constraint: length ≤100.
The original ERP description. When creating a new product that is also the Model.
wll string No Constraint: length ≤ 50.
The Working load limit (WLL) of product.
swl string No Constraint: length ≤ 50.
The Safety working load (SWL) of product.
comment string No Constraint: length ≤ 4000.
Comment on equip.
dealer string No Constraint: length ≤ 100.
The dealer of product.
prodAccTo string No Constraint: length ≤ 250.
The produced acc. to of product.
producer string No Constraint: length ≤ 100.
The producer of product.
prodYear string No Constraint: length ≤ 10.
The production year of product.
quantityUsage int No quantityUsage is the enum with values:
0 – Indicate the Unique equipment or Part
1 – Indicate the Stock goods
2 – Indicate the Consumable goods
productGroup boolean No Whether the current product is a product group. There are 2 states: true or false
connectedProductGroupId int No The product group ID of this product
productClassId int No productClassId is the enum with values:
0 – Indicate the Unique equipment
1 – Indicate the Stock goods
2 – Indicate the Consumable goods
3 – Indicate the Part
downloadToOnixInspect boolean No There are 2 states: There are 2 states: true or false
useFromEquipment boolean No There are 2 states: There are 2 states: true or false
testedAccTo string No Constraint: length ≤ 100.
The test acc. to of product.
ProcessId int No processId is the enum with values:
1 - Indicate the No action
2 - Indicate the Create equipment
3 - Indicate the Create equipment and job
4 - Indicate the Create equipment and file job
jobComment string No Constraint: length ≤ 4000.
The comment on job.


Status code Response body Description
200 A 32-bit integer. A product has been created or updated successfully.
The integer in the response body is the Onix Work system’s productId.
400 The system’s standard error response object. See examples of error responses in API requests and responses.


We will use Swagger UI to create a product.

  • First, obtain a security token and authorize the Swagger requests. See Authentication for more information.

  • Next, make a request to the endpoint, the request body looks like:

    "importId": "ERP_Import/P0001",
    "productNo": "ERP_Import/P0001",
    "statusId": 1,
    "active": true,
    "controlCategoryId": 127

The system responsed with status code of 200, the response body is the system’s productId:


We will use these values for examples in the next sections:

  • importId: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productNo: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productId: 214011.

The product has been created successfully. Let’s check the product: Navigate to Onix Work, use the productNo value in the request above to search in the Product no. search field. The first result is our newly created product.

Integrating suggestions

Based on the prerequisite & API design, we suggest integrating the functionality to create or update a product using the key productNo as illustrated in the UML diagram below.

  1. GET control category list
  2. POST to create a product
  3. POST to update a product if needed.

3. Add or update properties for a product

API overview

Endpoint POST /v1/company/products/properties
Description Add or update properties for a product
Usage Call this API to add or update properties for a product.
Return Return type: boolean.


  • Products have been already created. Refer to section 2. Create or update a product for further details.
  • It must retrieve properties through the endpoint: GET /v1/company/properties

Request parameters and body

The corresponding request body type can be found at the Swagger UI, model ProductPropertiesInfoDto for the main request body and PropertyInfo for the properties model.

Differences between add and update mode:

  • Add: If the properties are not yet included in the product but exist in the properties list in Onix Work, they will be added.
  • Update: If the properties were previously included in the product, their values will be updated based on the corresponding data in the request.

When a field value is null, it follows the rules explained in API requests and responses, if no specific rules are mentioned.

The corresponding request body type can be found at the Swagger UI, model ProductPropertiesInfoDto.

Field Data type Required Description & Constraints
productId int No* The Onix Work system’s product ID.
To add or update properties for a product, either the productId, importId, or productNo must be provided with the following priority: productID > importId > productNo
importId string No* Constraint: length ≤ 50.
Your system’s product ID.
Typically used for adding or updating properties for a product.
productNo string No* Constraint: length ≤ 250.
Your system’s product number.
Typically used for adding or updating properties for a product.
properties[index].languageCode Int No The language of the property in the product.
Available values: 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 where:
0: Norwegian
1: English
3: Swedish
4: Danish
6: Deutsch
7: Spanish
9: Portuguese
properties[index].description string Yes The description of properties.
When adding or updating the properties, the system will find all properties that match their names and translated names according to the languageCode specified in the request description.
properties[index].value string No The property value.


Status code Response body Description
200 A boolean. Properties in the product have been added or updated successfully.
400 The system’s standard error response object. See an examples of error responses in API requests and responses.


Let’s use one of the following keys: productId, importId, or productNo to add or update properties for a product.

  • importId: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productNo: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productId: 214011.

First, let’s examine the properties that the product has been using for better visualization:

  • Currently, the product only has a property called ABAX Serial Number.

  • And in the properties list, it has a property called Color.

To add/update the product’s properties, make a request with the request body below, with languageCode is English (see OpenAPI terminology). In this example, we use the key productNo

  "productNo": ERP_Import/P0001,
  "properties": [
      "languageCode": 1,
      "description": "Color",
      "value": "Red"
      "languageCode": 1,
      "description": "ABAX Serial Number”,
      "value": "SN-4521"

The system responsed with status code of 200, the response body indicates where the request was successful or not:


The properties have been added or updated successfully. Let’s check the results in Onix Work: Navigate to the product we have just created in section 2 and open Properties tab. The properties have been added/updated according to the request.

Integrating suggestions

Based on the prerequisite & API design, we suggest integrating the functionality to add or update properties for a product using the key productNo as illustrated in the UML diagram below.

4. Add or update a product’s forms

API overview

Endpoint POST /v1/company/products/forms
Description Add or update forms for a product
Usage Call this API to add/update forms for a product.
Return Return type: boolean.


  • Products were created. Refer to section 1. Create or update a product for further details.
  • It must retrieve forms through the endpoint: GET /v1/company/forms
  • It must retrieve job types through the endpoint: GET /v1/company/job-types

Request parameters and body

The corresponding request body type can be found at the Swagger UI, model ProductFormInfoDto for the main request body and FormInfoDto for the forms model.

Differences between add and update mode:

  • Add: If the forms are not yet included in the product but exist in the forms list in Onix Work, they will be added.
  • Update: If the forms were previously included in the product, their values will be updated based on the corresponding data in the request.

When a field value is null, it follows the rules explained in API requests and responses, if no specific rules are mentioned.

The corresponding request body type can be found at the Swagger UI, model ProductFormInfoDto.

Field Data type Required Description & Constraints
productId int No* The Onix Work system’s product ID.
To add or update forms for a product, either the productId, importId, or productNo must be provided with the following priority: productID > importId > productNo
importId string No* Constraint: length ≤ 50.
Your system’s product ID.
Typically used for adding or updating forms for a product.
productNo string No* Constraint: length ≤ 250.
Your system’s product number.
Typically used for adding or updating forms for a product.
forms[index].formId Int Yes The form ID.
Get this value from API: GET /v1/company/forms
forms[index].languageCode Int No The language of the form in the product.
Available values: 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 where:
0: Norwegian
1: English
3: Swedish
4: Danish
6: Deutsch
7: Spanish
9: Portuguese
forms[index].jobTypeId Int No The job type of the form in the product.
Get this value from API: GET v1/company/job-types


Status code Response body Description
200 A boolean. Forms in the product have been added or updated successfully.
400 The system’s standard error response object. See an examples of error responses in API requests and responses.


Let’s use one of the following keys: productId, importId, or productNo to add or update forms for a product.

  • importId: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productNo: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productId: 214011.

First, let’s examine the forms that the product has been using for better visualization:

  • Currently, the product only has a form Inspection report.
  • In the forms list, it has a form called Declaration of Conformity that you would like to add to the corresponding product.

To add/update the product’s forms, make a request with the request body below, with languageCode is English (see OpenAPI terminology). In this example, we use the key productNo

  "productNo": ERP_Import/P0001,
  "forms": [
      "formId": 1,   // Inspection report
      "languageCode": 1,  // English
      "jobTypeId":  2 // 
      "formId": 34,   // EKH certificate
      "languageCode": 1,  // English
      "jobTypeId":  1 // Initial control

The system responsed with status code of 200, the response body indicates where the request was successful or not:


The forms have been added or updated successfully. Let’s check the results in Onix Work: Navigate to the product we have just created in section 2 and click on the tab Forms. The forms have been added or updated according to the request.

Integrating suggestions

Based on the prerequisite & API design, we suggest integrating the functionality to add or update forms for a product using the key productNo as illustrated in the UML diagram below.

5. Update forms’ properties of a product

API overview

Endpoint **POST /v1/company/products/form-properties**
Description Update properties of forms in a product
Usage Call this API to properties of forms in a product.
Return Return type: boolean.


  • Products have already been created. Refer to section 2. Create or update a product for further details.
  • Forms were added into the product. Refer to section 4. Add or update forms for a product for further details.
  • It must retrieve forms’ properties through the endpoint: GET /v1/company/form-properties

Request parameters and body

The corresponding request body type can be found at the Swagger UI, model ProductFormPropertiesInfoDto for the main request body and FormPropertyKeyValueInfo for the forms’ properties model.

When a field value is null, it follows the rules explained in API requests and responses, if no specific rules are mentioned.

The corresponding request body type can be found at the Swagger UI, model ProductFormPropertiesInfoDto.

Field Data type Required Description & Constraints
productId int No* The Onix Work system’s product ID.
To update forms’ properties for a product, either the productId, importId, or productNo must be provided with the following priority: productID > importId > productNo
importId string No* Constraint: length ≤ 50.
Your system’s product ID.
Typically used for adding or updating forms’ properties for a product.
productNo string No* Constraint: length ≤ 250.
Your system’s product number.
Typically used for adding or updating forms’ properties for a product.
properties[index].key string Yes Key of the form property.
Get it through this endpoint: GET /v1/company/form-properties
properties[index].value string No Value of the form property.


Status code Response body Description
200 A boolean. Forms’ properties of the product have been updated successfully.
400 The system’s standard error response object. See an examples of error responses in API requests and responses.


Let’s use one of the following key: productId, importId, or productNo to update forms for a product.

  • importId: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productNo: “ERP_Import/P0001”.
  • productId: 214011.

First, let’s examine the forms that the product has been using for better visualization. Currently, the product has a form Declaration of Conformity.

To update the forms’ properties in the product, make a request with the request body below. In this example, we use the key productNo

  "productNo": ERP_Import/P0001,
  "properties": [
      "key": "ApiKey_ResponsibleTechnical",
      "value": "Thomas"
      "key": "ApiKey_TypeApprovalCertificateNo",
      "value": "4324"

The system responsed with status code of 200, the response body indicates where the request was successful or not:


The forms’ properties have been updated successfully. Let’s check the results in Onix Work: Navigating to the product we have just created in section 2 and click on the tab Forms.
The forms’ properties in the product have been updated according to the request.

Integrating suggestions

Based on the prerequisite & API design, we suggest integrating the functionality to update forms’ properties in a product using the key productNo as illustrated in the UML diagram below.