Summer 1 2022 Release notes

Release date: 15.04.2022

Happy Summer!

We’re excited to announce the Summer Release 2022 has been rolled out. In this release, we mainly focus on significant improvements to Onix Inspect and Onix Work. Go through the highlight below to discover what’s new, as well as what we have fixed.

Additionally, Summer has just begun and more interesting features are about to be revealed. Stay tuned !


Access to pictures in offline mode

In addition to Documents, you are now able to download pictures and have them available when you’re offline. There are two options to download pictures

  • Download them all at once. The downloading progress will be running in the background until it’s done.
  • Download per equipment or issue. You can open an equipment or issue and click the button to download the pictures of that equipment or issue only.

Once downloaded, these pictures are always available on your device until they are cleaned up.

Set default, delete, zoom and edit pictures

With the availability of pictures in offline mode, these picture-oriented enhancements have been brought to Onix Inspect

  • Display default equipment picture in the Equipment list
  • Set default equipment picture
  • Delete pictures
  • Support Zoom in/ zoom out using fingers (on mobile) or mouse scrolling (on PC) when viewing the pictures
  • Edit pictures

Any changes or updates on pictures are brought into effect once the data is uploaded to Onix Work.

Manage storage usage

Having pictures available offline may consume a lot of storage space. That’s why we introduce the “Storage Usage” module in Settings. This allows you to have a bird-eye view of the used versus free storage of your device. Then, based on your need, you can decide to free up the storage by cleaning up the downloaded pictures and files.

Also you can switch on the option to download pictures when viewing online. Upon activated, this option enables the pictures of equipment and issues to be automatically downloaded and displayed - as long as you are connecting to the Internet.

Display “Done by”, “Responsible” and “Verifier”

  • The “Done by” person in Onix Inspect is the user who logs in to the app. This piece of information is read-only and displayed in the interface of the app.
  • The “Responsible” person follows the settings in Onix Work and is displayed in Onix Inspect as read-only as well.
  • The “Verifier” person is displayed when creating an Inspection Report for an equipment whose control category requires a verifier. Similar to “Responsible”, this field follows the default settings in Onix Work. However, there are some differences to be notice
    • This field is editable
    • Jobs that require verifier won’t be filed automatically during upload, even if the verifier is stated. Once the uploading is completed, the verifier is expected to log in to Onix Work, verify the jobs and file them manually.

Refresh the look of status buttons for Jobs and Checkpoints

The status buttons used on Jobs and Checkpoints has been displayed directly in the interface upon selected, in case you forget what they stand for. Also, it is understandable to see which status is being selected, available or disable.

Keep the filter when switching the view

Since this release, the filters of Search this view is not cleared when you switch among views of Equipment, Jobs and Issues. This would be helpful when you are interested in a specific location, area or project while switching among different views.


Receive alert for equipment that are close to due

In the previous release, we added more alerts for personal and favorite equipment to help you up-to-date with the due equipment.

In this release, we have redesigned this functionality to keep you posted with both due and close-to-due equipment. With this settings in Onix Work, you can decide

  • The interval you would like to receive alerts
  • How ‘close-to-due’ are the equipment in the alert

For instance, with the below settings, you will receive an alert on a weekly basis. The equipment includes in the alert are due ones and ones that will be due in the next 30 days. This helps you to keep a closer eye on the equipment and plan your actions ahead.


Set default and filter by Verifier.

Instead of manually set the verifier for each job, you can set a default verifier on a Company level in Onix Work. When a new job is created for an equipment - whose control category requires a verifier, the default verifier is filled automatically.


Moreover, the filter for Verifier has been added to Search panel in Jobs module. You can easily find jobs that require verifiers, miss verifier or filter by a specific verifier.


Implement new rule to update job status automatically

In this release, the job status is now automatically updated based on the worst unsolved checkpoint. This makes sure that the status of the job will always be correct, especially when you open the checklist and update/solve the checkpoints.

Support HF Tag in Android devices

The built-in NFC scanner in Android devices can read some RFID-HF Tags (ISO 15693) as well as NFC. Onix Inspect has been improved to also include this format.
When using an external Bluetooth HF scanner, almost all HF formats are supported.

In other words, HF Tag is now considered as a valid tag in Onix Inspect - which allow you to link and scan to find equipment


  • Bad layout in Table mode
  • [Onix Work/Settings/Checklist] Display bad data or empty check group/ check point in the interface for cleaning up
  • Bugs related of failed upload in Onix Inspect


We would love to hear what you think about these features. Use the Get help menu on Onix Inspect and Onix Tag to report a problem or provide a suggestion. You can also get advice and your questions answered by the community on Onix Community - Get help and explore best practices in Onix apps.