Version - Release date: 22.11.2024

The following changes apply after the release date of 22.11.2024.

1. Equipment

Create/update equipment’s issues

  • The POST /v1/equipment/{equipment}/issues endpoint will support creating and updating fields in the corresponding schema, including some of the fields below:
    • importId
    • issueStatusId
    • description
    • comment
    • dueDate
    • solution
  • Affected endpoints: POST /v1/equipment/{equipment}/issues

2. Orders and order lines

Update the order

  • When a request to update an order is sent, the POST /v1/orders endpoint will validate whether the order or its order lines are being processed. If yes, a error message will be returned.
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/orders

Transfer order

  • The new endpoint supports inserting and updating the whole order information at the same time including:
    • Order
    • Order lines
    • Order line items
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/orders/transfer-order

Confirm order lines

  • The new endpoint supports deleting order lines without confirmation:
    • When a request is sent, the system will compare the order line list in the request and in the corresponding order.
    • Only order lines included in the request will be kept; the rest will be deleted, if possible.
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/orders/confirm-order-lines

Create/update order lines

  • When a request to create or update an order line is sent, the POST /v1/order-lines endpoint will validate whether the order line or its corresponding order is being processed. If yes, a error message will be returned.
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/order-lines

Update order line items

  • When a request to update order line items is sent, the POST /v1/order-lines/items endpoint will validate whether the order line or its order is being processed. If yes, a error message will be returned.
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/order-lines/items

Update properties in the order line

  • When a request to update an order line’s properties is sent, the POST /v1/order-lines/properties endpoint will validate whether the order line or its corresponding order is being processed. If yes, a error message will be returned.
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/order-lines/properties

Update form properties in the order line

  • When a request to update an order line’s form properties is sent, the POST /v1/order-lines/form-properties endpoint will validate whether the order line or its corresponding order is being processed. If yes, a error message will be returned.
  • Affected endpoint: POST /v1/order-lines/form-properties