Conclusions at the end of the job report

Before using Onix, our inspectors were used to include an executive summary at the end of the job report. These were conclusions that included: recomendations in general, suggestions, remarks or other things that we wanted to point out.

This summary is not related to any particular equipment, this is why we would not like to attah it to any a particular equipment, but to the job report.

Would be possible to create a free field at the end of the job report?

Thank you,

Thank you for sharing your idea/question.
We do not have the possibility today to include a summary or any free text in the job report, only the result from the inspections done and listing issues created.
I set your idea to In Discussion and hope for feedback from other inspector users if this is a general need and more information so we can understand the need better.
If you know any other inspector users who feel the same way, please encourage them to join the conversation and share their thoughts.