Filter and display equipment list with new "Project" field

From Winter Release 2024, you can choose a specific project as a display field, which can also be used for equipment filtering, grouping and even sorting. Available in Onix Work, Onix Worker and Onix Inspect, the new Project field promises a clear and comprehensive view of equipment statuses.

1. In Onix Work – Equipment module

To add a specific or multiple project(s) as display field(s):

  • Select your own view → Edit current view.
  • In the Display field section, add a new display field → Select the relevant company and project → OK.
  • (Optional) Set the new Project field as the view’s default grouping / sorting option.

  • As a result, in the list view, if an equipment belongs to the selected project, its Project field will display YES or YES (Inactive) depending on the project status. Otherwise, the field will be left blank.
  • You can sort or group the equipment list with the new Project field.

2. In Onix Worker

Views with the Project display field can be adapted to Onix Worker, ensuring consistent data presentation across applications.

3. In Onix Inspect

You can select an active project of the customer company whose data is downloaded as a display field. Inactive projects will not be shown in the list of choices.

  • If an equipment belongs to the selected project, the project name will be displayed on the equipment tile. Otherwise, the field will be left blank.
  • You can sort the equipment list with the new Project field.

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