Form preview in the Settings module

I am setting up the settings on the company.

What is really missing is the preview of forms.

I also miss the layout that tells me where the different boxes I enter will end up: Description, Use general heading, Heading, Subheading and Footer.

We need to refer to standards and control routines, then it is great for us as the executors to see what is written and where it displays during the setup of the settings.



Jeg sitter og setter opp innstillinger på firma.

Det jeg savner skikkelig er en forhåndsvisning av formularer.

Jeg savner også et oppsett som forteller meg hvor havner de forskjellige boksene jeg skriver inn i.

Beskrivelse, Bruk generell overskrift, Overskrift, Underoverskrift og Bunntekst

Vi skal referer til standarder og kontroll-rutiner, da er det greit for oss som utførende og se hva som står hvor under oppsettet av innstillingene.


  • Is it possible to have a preview for all variants as well?

Please vote for this idea if you agree so that we can prioritize it.
If you have any inputs, we’d love to hear them :blush:

After consideration, we’ve decided not to include it in the upcoming release yet. We’ve noted your idea down and will keep it in mind. For now, your idea is at the “To Be Considered” stage.

If your colleagues or other Onix users can provide more input and votes, we’ll have a better understanding of this need and may reconsider its priority.