Job interval and type of control (NDT, EX, Calibration ans.)

Is it possible to have the opportunity to create your own type of job classes or to add a comment to the selected job interval to specify e.g. type of mandatory inspection?

We have a number of containers that shall be inspected annually according to 2.7-3 and NDT is performed every 4 years. But the system only allows me to choose 12 months and / or 48 months but we cannot indicate in the Job interval section which type of job this is.


Er det mulig å få mulighet til å lage egne type jobbklasser under jobbintervall eller få lagt til ett kommentarfelt for å spesifisere f.eks. type pliktig kontroll.

Vi har en del kontainere som det blir tatt årlig kontroll på ihht 2.7-3 samt det blir utført NDT hvert fjerde år. Men systemet lar meg kun velge pliktig kontroll 12 måneder og/eller 48 måneder. Men ingen plass jeg kan legge inn 2.7-3 og/eller NDT.

Please vote for this idea if you agree so that we can prioritize it.
If you have any inputs, we’d love to hear them :blush:

I am happy to inform that this will be possible in the upcoming Autumn release.


After the latest Autumn 1 2024 Release, your idea has been implemented and is now ready for use. Give it a try and feel free to let us know your feedback.

Once again, thank you for sharing your idea with us! :smiley: