Onix express - documents - filter locations

Our express-users calls for the possibility to filter their document search for ‘location’. This was possible earlier, and would be helpful for express-users with concurrent purchases for different projects/locations.


Thanks so much for sharing your idea! To move forward, we need more votes and input from other users. So for now, your idea is at the “In Discussion” stage.
If you know any colleagues who feel the same way, please encourage them to join the conversation and share their thoughts.

Thank you for sharing your idea with us.
Onix Express is functionality available for supplier and/or inspector companies to distribute the documentation for the equipment they deliver to their customers.
Onix Express is a minimum solution where you shall be allowed to search after pdf document. The search fields available is equipment ID, type/model, order number or created date.

If the equipment owner users want more functionality this will be available for them as a member company, and we recommend them then to get their own account to get functionality like e.g. search after location.