When completed an annual inspections survey it is mandatory to send reports acc to “Arbeidstilsynet - Normer for kontrollomfang – 7 Dokumentasjon etter utført kontroll” and we have usually sent “job report” or “control documentation” from Onix.
But most critical to our clients is to be aware of “issues" on their lifting equipment. Onix Work only have an online tracking of active issues, but the personnel that is closing issues or is responsible for the equipment do not always have access or lack of internet access in field, and can not review and resolve issues.
We would like the possibility in Onix Work to generate a PDF report from the issues in the main menu. I think this is critical for companies that register their equipment in Onix, to allow the entire organization to be aware of all issues on their equipment. An issue report can be distributed all departments and management for resolving. This will also is ease the handover of findings between rig crew.
The issue report should have the same data and designee as job report, but could also include the uploaded picture from equipment issue.
(“job reports” includes both open and closed finding and therefor makes confusion if sent as an issue report)