I would be great to have the possibility to adjust intervals lower than 1 day.
For exanple every 8h or 12h, we have made jobs to precheck the Vehicle before every shift. We have 3 shifts pr day, we change work teams 06:00, 14:00 and 22:00 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday we change workteam 06:00 and 18:00.
ANd if you also have the possibility to make a plan that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the job should be done 3 times pr day and Friday, Saturday and Sunday 2 times pr day.
Hi @kim.rune.hjortskarmo,
In your case, is there any type of jobs, or job class that especially needs this possibility (for example, Operator maintenance)?
The types of job i want this configuration for is for example.
Working class: “operatpr jobs”
Here i want to have the possibility to choose “units” hours. The lowest unit i can choose now is days.
The best would have been if it was possiblilies to configure a “calendar” for each individual equipment. With the calendar function you could have configured 3 operator jobs from Monday to Friday at times .06:00, 14:00 and 22:00. And fore example Saturdat and SUnday only 2 times pr day at time 06:00 and 18:00.
After many internal discussions, we’ve decided not to proceed with your idea this time. We see it as a very specific use case, and one that is more related to maintenance programs.
We truly appreciate your effort in suggesting and sharing personal insights. If there’s any additional information that could help us better understand your needs, please feel free to reply.