Translation of ONIX to Dutch

Good day,
As we are going to use the Onix application it would be nice if this will be also in the Dutch language.
Our field service inspectors don’t speak or read any kind of English words so it will be very difficult for them.
We can help you with the translation if necessary.
Please sent then over in Excel all the English words you used in the ONIX environment.


Thanks so much for sharing your idea! We will take a look at your suggestion and for now, your idea is at the “In Discussion” stage.
If any other users has input please let us know and give your vote to this suggestion.

Hi @alex.schulteis (cc @randi.egeland @thong.vo @kib @hanh.trinh )

Good news! Your idea has been included in our upcoming release, and its status has been updated to “In Progress.”

The team is now preparing the translation to Dutch, and we are thrilled that you are willing to collaborate on this task.

As the next step, we will soon share the Onix Work glossary (core terminology) with you. We would greatly appreciate your help in translating these terms.

Please stay tuned :wink:!

That is good news Vu Pahm!
when is that upcoming release scheduled?

Hi @maurice.jansen

Our next release is the Winter release, which typically falls between December and February. We’re aiming for an early Winter release this time. I’ll share more specific details with you as we get closer or finalize the date.

Regarding the glossary list, please expect it next week as we’re refreshing and updating it with refined and accurate term descriptions before sending it to you :wink:

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Alex Schulteis reacted to your message:

Met vriendelijke groet, Best regards,​​​​
​Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Cordialement,

Alex Schulteis

Product Data Specialist


Galjoenweg 47


6222 NS


+31 43 3631777

KvK: 146 25 774


Rema® is a registered trademark and exclusively licensed to ​Rema Holland B.V., Maastricht, the Netherlands


Hi @alex.schulteis
(cc @maurice.jansen @kib , @Idar , @thong.vo , @hanh.trinh , @huy.le , )


As discussed, could you please review the file and provide your suggested translations to Dutch?

Onix Work contains thousands of captions, and we are developing a translation model for Dutch :wink:

In the file, I’ve included around 250 glossary terms that are important to translate accurately. Additionally, there are about 250 example sentences, which are optional for your review. These examples help assess the translation quality and can be used for further tuning.

Your feedback will assist us in refining the model to deliver accurate translations for the remaining captions.

Please feel free to make edits directly in the file, and let me know if you need any further information.

Hi Vu Pham,

We checked the list and filled it out, hope for a quick translation :blush: and Dutch release in January.

Hi @maurice.jansen

Thank you for your input. We’ll review this to support Dutch in the Winter 2024 release.

Hi @maurice.jansen

Thank you for your work on the Dutch translation. After reviewing some of the terms, I have a few questions to clarify meaning and accuracy. I appreciate your expertise and would love your feedback on the following:

  • “Equipment”: I noticed this was translated as “Item.” Given the context in Onix Work, do you think “Materieel” or “Uitrusting” would better capture the meaning?
  • “Control category”: This was translated as “Productgroepen.” Considering the intended meaning of “Control category” in Onix Work, would “Controlecategorie” be a more precise translation?
  • “Job”: I see that “Job” has fields like “job class,” “job type,” or “job form,” which describe its type. With this in mind, would translating “Job” as “Keuring” better reflect its intended meaning?

Hi Vu Pham,

Equipment = Item (is the best translation for us

Control categeroy = Productgroep

Job = Keuring

Job type = Keurings type

Job form = Keurings forumulier

For us these are the best translations, please us them as translated above

Hi @maurice.jansen

Thank you for your prompt response. We will proceed with using the translated text as you confirmed.