Default responsible on forms

There is a need to be able to select a ‘default responsible’ on forms retrieved from a location. This option exists for ‘Default done by.’"

This is important for companies that have inspectors at multiple locations, each with their own responsible person.

@huy.le @randi.egeland please have a look at this nice idea about forms’ settings enhancement :smiley:

Thanks so much for sharing your idea! To move forward, we need more votes and input from other users. So for now, your idea is at the “In Discussion” stage.

If you know any colleagues who feel the same way, please encourage them to join the conversation and share their thoughts.

We have discussed this internally again and we do not have any specific plans of implementing this in near future. But we like your idea and will keep it in mind for eventually future functionality.
We update the tag for this idea to “To Be Considered” and if you or other users have more comments related to this suggestion, please add your comment to this suggestion.

There is no possibility of selecting the “responsible” depending on who the inspector is.
The “responsible” person is selected for the entire company, but our company has different locations and each location has its own inspectors and its own manager.
Would it be possible to assign a different “responsible” depending on who does the inspection?

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What @Montse.roviralta is saying is that their inspectors are divided into several locations and every location has a responsible person. With todays set up, you need to choose a responsible person for the whole company and not by dept / location.

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We understand the need for setting default responsible on department level and not only one person for the whole company. Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to implement this in near future, but as earlier mentioned we like the idea and will have it in mind for future releases.