You MUST provide the customers with the ACCESS LINK to your Onix Express:
- This is a sample of Onix Express access link:
- Only the first part “” is fixed; you can customize the rest of the link to ensure it’s more memorable.
- This link should be published on your company’s website. You can also embed it in a logon button.
- How to get the link: Go to the Settings module → Select Onix Express → Copy the URL (see image below).
Having the access link, your customers MUST SIGN OUT FIRST, then log in as instructed below:
- Sign out of any Onix account
- Enter the access link on the browser’s address bar; or go to your website and click on this logon button
- In the login screen, log in using their information
- Find detailed explanation of Onix Express: Access to Onix Express / Norwegian version.
- Find instructions on modifying the access link of your Onix Express: How to set up Onix Express / Norwegian version.