Discover how Onix Maker streamlines equipment registration using Excel files. When equipment details are pre-registered directly from the manufacturing point, the picking process within Onix Pick and Pack ultimately enjoys enhanced efficiency and accuracy.
In this guide, we’ll explore the key features of Onix Maker, such as uploading Excel files, troubleshooting errors and tracking upload status.
1. Log in and switch company
To use Onix Maker, you MUST have an Onix Work user account within the company which owns the equipment that needs registering.
You can log in with either your Onix Work user account or Microsoft account. After login, if you have user accounts in multiple companies, click on the company’s name to switch to the suitable one.
2. Import and upload data
2.1. Check import file template and instructions
Onix Maker only supports Excel (.xlsx) format. The supported fields are: Product no., Serial no., Batch no., Owner’s Equip. ID, Global ID.
Detailed instructions are available on the home page to ensure the import data’s accuracy. You can also download our file template to prepare the file’s format and content more accurately.
2.2. Upload import file and ensure valid data
After the import file is ready, follow these instructions:
- Drag and drop or browse your import file manually.
- Upon upload, the import file undergoes data validation process to ensure that all equipment data can be successfully created in Onix Work. Do NOT leave the website or exit Windows app during this process.
- In case the import file contains invalid data, download the error details file and correct them according to the reason listed in each row. Then upload the file again.
When the validation process is successful, the equipment will be created in Onix Work as specified in the Excel file. This process can take up to 24 hours and you will be notified via email once its result is available.
2.3. Track upload status
All file uploads’ statuses are available in Upload history. Each upload will have 1 out of these statuses:
Status | Meaning | Action required |
Processing | Equipment is currently being registered in Onix Work. | No action required. |
Completed | All equipment in the import file has been registered in Onix Work successfully. | No action required. |
Completed with N items failed | Several equipment contain errors and need correcting; others have been registered in Onix Work successfully. | Click on View details to troubleshoot errors and then re-upload ONLY the failed equipment. |
Failed | The upload fails completely and no equipment has been registered. | Click on View details to troubleshoot errors and then re-upload all equipment data. |