I den siste utgaven av Onic Inspect så klarer ikke kamera på Iphone å lese små QR koder. I forrige utgave så var det fult mulig selv om det var noen utfordringer med det og. I dagens utgave så bytter heller ikke appen kamera for å fokusere på små koder slik som i forrige utgave. Vi kontrollerer en del utstyr der det ikke er plass til store QR koder og dermed blir det vanskelig å lese disse. Opplever og at dersom underlaget ikke er helt flatt som feks på en isolerstang så er det vanskeligere å lese QR kodene med dagens utgave av Onix Inspect. Dette reduserer effektiviteten med tanke på de kontrollene som vi utfører.
Hi @frode.berg, thanks for reporting the issue to us!
To determine whether this is a bug in our application and how it might be resolved, could you please try scanning following this 2-step instruction and let us know the results:
Hold the QR code in your hand first, then press Scan in Onix Inspect to start scanning.
(If you press Scan and take some more time to pick up the QR code, the camera might have difficulty focusing on the tag.) -
When the scanning starts, bring your camera close to the QR code so that it takes up about 1/3 of the screen. You might slowly move the camera away to help the camera focus afterwards.
If the issue still persists, kindly inform us and share the information below:
- Your Onix Inspect version. This can be found in the app’s Get Help → About section.
- The iPhone model(s) that get this issue.
- Any photo of the small QR codes that are hard to scan.
Your information will greatly assist our investigation. Thank you in advance
Your 2-step instruction did not resolve the issue. The app also drains the battery very quickly. In 53 min it used 29% of the battery and the phone got very hot. My colleague experienced the same.
I have Iphone 13 pro, and my colleague has the Iphone 14 pro.
We also experienced that the camera does not focus or switch camera like previous versions of the app did. The version we use is 2.2.5.
The provided pictures show the smallest QR codes that we print. These we could read earlier but not now.
Onix Inspection was far better at reading the QR codes.
Thank you for sharing the information, Frode!
Please let me address your points one by one:
1. Camera in Onix Insepct struggles to focus on QR codes
Our Technical team is actively investigating this problem. We’ll keep you updated on progress here.
Thank you in advance for your patience while we work on this
2. Missing the ability to switch between front and back cameras
As you point out, Onix Inspect doesn’t support switching between cameras, and the back camera is the default.
May we explore this need further: If the back camera can focus on small tags, would switching cameras still be necessary for you?
3. Battery drain in Onix Inspect
We’ve observed this issue on iPhones running iOS 18, and it appears to be a known issue of this iOS version. For now, we’re monitoring the situation closely before deciding on any changes to the software.
- I don’t want to switch between front and back camera. On Iphone 13 pro there is three cameras on the back for different use and it used to switch between those at different distances from the QR code. I believe one camera is a macro lense for closeup pictures. I cannot get close enough now to read small QR codes because it is not able to focus like earlier when it chanced the camera.
Hi again @frode.berg, thank you for your patience towards our investigation. Please take a look at our implementation plan for the scanning issue, and request for your phone’s battery usage analysis.
1. Camera in Onix Insepct struggles to focus on QR codes
- Root cause: In some recent iPhone models, the focal length of rear cameras differ significantly. Onix Inspect has difficulty auto-switching between these cameras when adjusting distance to QR codes. That’s why when you move the tags closer to your phone, the application can hardly focus.
- Quick fix: We have implemented a workaround by letting you switch to the front camera while scanning. By this Wednesday the latest, you will see a new Switch button when you scan QR codes.
- Long-term solution: We will evaluate and implement improvements to provide better support for the camera technologies. However, this solution takes time; therefore we hope using the front camera in the meantime would reduce unnecessary stoppers to your daily work.
2. Missing the ability to switch between front and back cameras
This functionality will be implemented as a quick fix for issue 1, as mentioned above.
3. Battery drain in Onix Inspect
Do you have any data of Onix Inspect’s battery usage and activity time recently? If yes, could you please share it with us?
This data will greatly assist us in evaluating the issue. Thanks in advance!
Hi @frode.berg,
Just checking in—do you have any recent data on Onix Inspect’s battery usage and activity time? This information is crucial for us to properly assess the issue. If you could share it with us, we’d really appreciate it!
Looking forward to your response. Thanks!
Hi, experiencing exactly the same problem with my iphone 15, worked perfectly fine before, but now it refuses to read qr code in onix. But if I exit onix, and then try to take a picture with the phone - it reads the qr code without any problems and pops up the “link” to onix. then there must be a bug in the onix program itself
Hi @peder.olaf.dimmen, does it happen to all of the QR codes, or just small ones? Which application are you using: Onix Worker or Onix Inspect?
If it’s Onix Inspect, for your information, in January, we have let iPhone users switch to the front camera while scanning small QR codes. This workaround was implemented on 20 January.
In the long term, we’ll improve how our apps’ support the phones that have different focal lengths among cameras. However, this solution takes time; therefore we hope using the front camera in the meantime would reduce unnecessary stoppers to your daily work.
looks like this is only on small, but there was no problem with this before Christmas
And which application are you using @peder.olaf.dimmen ? Is it Onix Worker?
Hi @peder.olaf.dimmen, thanks for confirming
Our team is actively working on a permanent solution to improve camera support in the mobile apps, namely Onix Worker and Onix Inspect. This issue is being tracked and updated in this post: QR code scanning difficulties in Onix Inspect and Onix Worker.
Let us know if you have any further questions or information.