In Part 2, you will learn how to manage the equipment in Onix Inspect.
1.1. Change view
There are several views that you can choose from that supports you better manage your equipment.
1.2. Pin this view
Tap next to the view name —> Select another view.
Tap —> Select Pin this view.
2.1. View equipment details
Since the Spring 2 Release 2023, the interface of equipment details in Onix Inspect is in sync with Onix Work’s Modern Equipment module.
- Important information is gathered in one Equipment details section.
- Empty fields are automatically hidden for clearer leaner data presentation.
- The Pictures section is added, increasing the convenience and ease of editing equipment.
2.2. Create new equipment
a. Create 1 equipment
- In Equipment, click from the top command bar
- Fill in equipment information → Save.
b. Create multiple equipment
The newly created equipment will share the same details in most fields, except for Serial number or Batch number as these 2 fields must be unique for identification purposes.
To create multiple equipment with DIFFERENT Serial number values and ONE Batch number:
- In Equipment, click from the top command bar.
- In the Serial no. field, click on the 3-dot button → Click on Add more value or hit Enter on your keyboard → Insert relevant serial numbers → Save.
- Fill in other information → Save.
To create multiple equipment with NO Serial number and DIFFERENT Batch number values:
- In Equipment, click from the top command bar.
- In the Batch number field, click on the 3-dot button.
- Insert the first batch number and the relevant quantity.
- Click on Add more value → Repeat step 3 until you’ve registered all necessary equipment → Save.
- Fill in other information, except for the Serial number as this field will be disabled → Save.
2.3. Update equipment information and find related items
a. Add and edit equipment pictures
To add pictures to the equipment:
- Find and click the equipment you want to update
- In Equipment tile on top, click the thumbnail picture on the left.
- Click to upload picture or take a new one. The latest added picture will be used as the equipment’s thumbnail by default.
To add and edit texts in the pictures:
- Open an image: Choose an existing photo or upload a new one from your device.
- Access the Text tool: Tap on the Pen icon on the bottom left corner —> choose the Text tool.
- Customize your text:
- Add text: Press the button in the bottom toolbar —> type in your desired text.
- Locate the text: Hold and drag the text box to your desired location.
- Change Color & Size : Tap on the 2 buttons in the bottom toolbar —> make adjustments as you wish.
- Undo: Revert the previous step and effortlessly correct any mistakes.
- Save: Do not forget to press this button on the top right corner to save your changes!
b. Link an equipment to a tag
- Find and select the equipment
- Click on the top command bar
c. Update other information in equipment:
- Click on the section (Equipment details, Properties, Additional info) that you want to update
- Update equipment details and click
In the Related sections, click on each section to find the related jobs, issues and documents of the equipment. You are able to:
- Create new job, issue
- Handle issues
- View/add documents manually
d. Delete documents added manually
- On Related documents screen, swipe left on the documents or select several documents that should be removed.
- Swipe left or click Delete
- Note: You cannot delete documents that were downloaded from Onix Work.
2.4. Copy equipment
- Find and select the equipment you want to copy.
- Select Create copy
- Fill the required information and click
3.1. View main/sub equipment
In the equipment list, you can quickly identify whether an item is a main or sub equipment based on its icon. To find the detailed links of any main and sub equipment, open that item’s detail and tap on the Main/sub equipment section.
3.2. Link main or sub equipment
To link the item with new main or sub equipment:
- Open the Main/sub equipment section.
- Tap on the + button → Select Add main equipment or Add sub equipment.
- Search for and select the required equipment either manually or by scanning. You can select multiple sub equipment, but ONLY 1 main equipment.
3.3. Unlink main or sub equipment
To remove the item’s link with main or sub equipment:
- Open the Main/sub equipment section.
- Swipe left on the required main or sub equipment → Tap on Remove and confirm your action.
4.1. Search equipment
To search by scanning Onix ID/QR Code/NFC tag,
- Click on the bottom right —> Select the appropriate scanning mode.
- The equipment will be found if it is registered with the tag.
4.2. Edit display fields in the equipment list
- In the Equipment module, tap —> select Display fields.
- Select Add a field and choose the information that will appear on equipment tiles —> Apply.
- MAXIMUM 5 FIELDS can be selected.
- The chosen display fields will appear in order on the equipment tiles.
4.3. Sort the equipment list
In a view, you can sort the equipment list by a default or customized display field.
- In Equipment module, select on the top right —> select Display fields.
- Select Add a field and choose the information that will appear on equipment tiles —> Apply.
- MAXIMUM 5 FIELDS can be selected.
- Tap the order chip under the search bar —> choose the field to sort by and the suitable order —> Apply.
4.4. Filter the equipment list
- Tap on the top right —> select Filters —> Fill in the suitable criteria —> Apply.
- If you want to change the criteria list, tap Select criteria —> Add a field or a property —> Apply.
- The order chip under the search bar displays how many filters are on —> tap on it to quickly access the filter criteria.