Re-examination date on EKH certificate

The date on the created EKH certificate which tells the re-examination date is (hard programmed) to 4 years. This is not correct!! Every Item needs tobe (mandatory) re-examinated yearly according to the EKH. (some product category’s proofloaded and other at least visually).

please change this interval to 1 year asap, we are spreading wrong info right now.


Hi @maurice.jansen, thank you for pointing out the issue.

Our Technical team has been notified about it and is reviewing any possible next step.

We’ll keep you updated of all progress here.
Your patience in the meantime would be highly appreciated.

Hi Maurice, just FYI, I’m moving your post to the Product Ideas category, because it’s been identified as a suggestion to improve the EKH Certificate’s accuracy.

The implementation plan is still being discussed, so please stay tuned :blush:

Dear Phuong Duong,

Please not that it is not an Idea , it is mandatory by EKH to yearly (Re-) examine your products!!!

We are talking about this since about 4 month’s with our Onix contact persons. And now it becomes an Idea………

Please help me to understand this better.
We have 2 forms created for EKH regime:

  • EKH Certificate
  • EKH Examination Report

My understanding is that you create a EKH Certificate when the equipment is new.
Re examination must be done within 4 years interval and then a new EKH Certificate has to be created.

Job date for this Certificate is 24.09.2024

For the yearly inspection the EKH Examination Report is used

Job date for this Examination Report is 13.12.2024

Do you use the EKH Examination Report for the yearly inspection?
Is it correct that a new certificate need to be created at least ever 4 year in addition to yearly inspections

Hi Randi,

No that is not correct.

There are product groups which should be load- tested with load weights once in 4 years, but the item / product should be examined every year at least visually (and that should be administered in a EKH certificate) . So I think this interval from 4 years is coming from that part of the EKH rules., which are not interpreted correctly.

For the EKH certificate as well EKH Examination report interval is 1 year.

To explain more about difference between EKH Certificate and Examination Report:

A EKH certificate is given to the item/product ‘by birth ‘ and stays with the item/product for the life-time. That means the certificate number which is given ‘by birth’ also stays (tagged) to the item/product and will not change.

The date on each certificate needs to be updated by re-examination every year, otherwise our customer can never proof with the EKH certificate the product is OK after re-examination.

A examination report is used when we Rema are not the manufacturer from the item / product. In that case we can and will not give a certificate to the item/ product but only an examination report. (because we do not own the strength calculations etc. (product file) from the item/product)

In that case the text in bleu isn’t correct either, but that is another discussion, we can have later. Priority for us is now have the correct info on the EKH certificate

In general , the solution to solve this:

that what is happening with the date, certificate number and all the other data on the EKH Examination should also be implemented for the EKH certificate. (in green on below form)

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more info about EKH “rules” , or if you have doubts about it.

It is not a shame and completely understandable that you don’t know the Dutch EKH Rules


We have discussed this internally and agreed to update the re-examination date in the report as you suggest. We will remove the hardcoded value currently inserted as “Job date + 4 years” and replace it with the nearest/closest Next due date on the selected job intervals.
This will be published and available for you soon.

In addition we will follow up the other suggestions from you related to changes in the fixed text in the header part of the report and the Certificate number which you want to be unchanged when a new certificate is created for the equipment in a future main release.

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Hi Randi,

hard coded date is solved, but unfortunately the certificate number is still the Job-number. see this example:

Hello @maurice.jansen
We only changed the re-examination date in the Hotfix earlier this week.

Your input related to the Certificate number is not solved yet, but we will look into this and follow up this in a future release.

Until this is corrected there is a manually work around.

When you create a new EKH Certificate for the equipment you will have to manually update the Jobb number to the correct certificate manually.
The value inserted in the job number is the value listed in the Certificate number in the report.

Hi Randi,

We are aware of this work around yes. Could you tell us when this future release will be?
Perhaps it is an option to setup a teams meeting and discuss all the ‘issues’ at once. We want to avoid to have later on further ‘problems’ and need to wait for another release

Hi @randi.egeland @maurice.jansen, since we’re having multiple suggestions for the EKH Certificate here, future discussions and status update might become confusing. Therefore I’ve splitted the suggestions for improving the certificate number and the fixed text here:

You can review and edit these 2 posts as you want anytime, Maurice :slight_smile:


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Met vriendelijke groet, Best regards,​​​​
​Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Cordialement,

Maurice Jansen

Product Manager


Galjoenweg 47