2025 Summer service release notes - 12.03.2025

In 2025 Summer, we implement a service release on 12.03.2025 with the following enhancements in job forms, Onix Work, and other Onix apps.

1. Forms - Updated English translations for field names

We have updated 2 terms in the Report of Thorough Examination form, and the Producer term in 4 job forms that have these fields. The affected language is English.

Find details of each new term and its corresponding previous translation below.

Previous translation New translation Affected forms
Is YES state the day/date by when If YES state the day/date by when Report of Thorough Examination
[…] (if non state NONE) […] (if none state NONE) Report of Thorough Examination
Maker Producer Form 3
Form 3 (M)
Inspection report (sub equipment details)
Quick inspection (M)

2. Forms - EKH Certificate and EKH Examination Report enhancements

Set default regime forms

You can now set EKH Certificate or EKH Examination Report as the default form for any control regime. Configure this in Onix Work - Settings - Control categories - Regime default form. Once set, new jobs within the selected control regime will automatically use the default form.

Perform jobs on multiple equipment at once

Create and complete jobs using EKH Certificate or EKH Examination Report for multiple equipment at once. Upon filing, each equipment will be linked to a separate job and document unique for itself.

Get form properties values from the latest filed job

Complete jobs that use EKH Certificate or EKH Examination Report forms more quickly with the new Get data from the latest filed job button in Form properties. When you click on this button:

  • Form properties of the current job will retrieve values from the most recently filed job that uses the same form.
  • These values will only be filled in the current job’s blank fields. If any field is already filled, it will not be overwritten.

EKH Certificate - Keep the certificate number consistent across all jobs

Important note: This change is not applicable to the EKH Examination Report.

For each equipment, the Certificate number field will now remain unchanged across all EKH Certificate documents. Once assigned, the certificate number of every EKH Certificate will be the same for the second, third, or any future jobs.

With this update, the document’s Certificate number field will retrieve its value from the equipment’s Certificate field. The job number will be displayed in a new field named Declaration number instead of Certificate number.

Display rule of the certificate and job numbers on EKH Certificate documents:

Equipment’s certificate number Document’s certificate number Document’s declaration number
Empty (first EKH Certificate) Displays the job number Not shown
Has a value Displays the equipment’s certificate number Displays the job number

3. QR code scanning - Improved camera focus

Previously, some modern phone models experienced camera focus issues during QR code scanning - see QR code scanning difficulties in Onix Inspect and Onix Worker.

With this service release, we have improved the reliability and sensibility of camera focus. Mobile phones will now focus on QR codes more smoothly, even when the tags are small.

4. New Onix branding in guest mode

Anyone can scan an equipment’s tag to view its information and documents in the guest mode. In this service release, guest mode has been updated with the Onix logo and a link to our website: onix.com.

5. Onix Work - Enhancements for Onix Partners

Departments - Increased introduction’s character limit

Each department’s introduction can now have up to 500 characters.

Company profile - Select control categories faster

Use the new Select all and Clear all buttons to change selected control categories faster.

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