Here are some ideas that could be a part of enhancing the experience of using the rental module in Onix Work.
- Possibility to pre-set rental price per equipment - (differenciate between internal / external rental prices)
- Possibility to rent out both equipment with and without a serial number
- Equipment group - rent out ex. a shipping container with x-amount of equipment (e.g. 100 roundslings)
- Report enhancement - Monthly report for invoicing per project.
Do you have any other pointers @anders.dahlgren?
Hi @Thomas_Ljengkvist, it seems like Anders is not a user of Onix Community yet.
I’ve created an invite link that lets Anders arrive directly at this product idea upon sign-in, so you might send it to Anders if he is having trouble joining us:
Hi @phuong.duong . Customer is aware of my posting, and is agreeing to what has been listed so far.
Hi @Thomas_Ljengkvist, since your product idea contains 4 distinct functionalities, I’ve split it into 3 additional topics. This ensures that each suggested functionality gets the focused attention it deserves and allows follow-up discussions to be more effective
After the split, this topic will focus on the 1st point, and I’ve renamed the topic accordingly. Here’s the list of all 4 product ideas for Rental module: