Beginner guide to the Rental module

Rental module is used to manage equipment that is rented out to your customers or internally to your own locations.

1. Add Equipment to Rental project

1.1. Preparations

To prevent delivered equipment from appearing in searches in any module, causing difficulty in the later steps, we advise that you:

  • Create a temporary location in Settings for temporary placement of equipment during active rental period, OR
  • Set your temporary location as inactive.

1.2. Add equipment to rental project

In the Rental module:

  • Create a new rental project (skip if you’re adding equipment to existing projects):
    • Click on New in the toolbar → Fill in necessary information → Save.
  • Select the rental project → Go to tab Equipment.
  • Click on Add Equipment on the toolbar → Add relevant equipment.
    • Equipment that is often rented together can be registered in an Equipment Group.
    • Click on the Add Equip. Group button → Enter the group name → Select one → OK.

1.3. Advanced search options

If you have a previous rental project that contains relevant equipment, you can also search directly by Rental project number and select viable candidates from it.

You can also go to Equipment module to search after equipment.
Then, select the appropriate equipment, and use the Add to Rental Project option.

2. Equipment and project pricing

Each equipment can be given a day rate or a fixed price in tab Main.
This can be related to startup and administrative costs, or simply a way of registering a negotiated rental price for a predefined set of equipment and period.

To facilitate other costs, such as storage fees, shipping, packaging and handling that require itemized prices, you can use tab Other.

Equipment that have been rented earlier will use their previous rates as default.

Important note

  • An equipment group will automatically apply the total price for all items
  • Delivery and Return can only be registered for the entire group.

3. Project status, delivery and return

3.1. Project status

The initial project status is Planned. In this mode no equipment has been delivered and no cost is generated.

Clicking Active button in the Main menu is the quickest way to move the project forward, provide all equipment delivered at the same time and be blocked from delivery on other projects until their return.

If the project is multi-stage with equipment rented out at different times, you can easily mark individual equipment manually in tab Equipment, then use Set as Delivered button in the menu.

3.2. Return and Completion

Use the Completed button in the ribbon menu when finishing the project.
Equipment that is not returned yet will be set as Returned with location reset and be available for delivery in other projects.

In tab Equipment, you can also use Set as Returned to manually return individual equipment without affecting the overall project status.

4. Track rented equipment in Equipment module

Prior to the Winter Release 2024, rented equipment was assigned a Rented-out status. In response to the need for more comprehensive and precise control, the new Rental status field was introduced, including 4 statuses: None, Rented, Rented internally, Rented out. Not only displayed in the list view, but these new statuses can also be used in filtering and sorting equipment.

4.1. About the new rental statuses

When in the Equipment module, you can:

  • View the Rental status in the equipment detail.
  • Filter equipment based on their Rental status.
  • Display Rental status as a field within your view.
  • Export this information to Excel file.

The 4 new rental statuses are:

None: The equipment is not under any rental project. No icon is shown in the equipment list view.

Rented Internally

  • The equipment is rented within your company.


  • The equipment is rented externally by a renter company.
  • Upon delivery, the equipment’s Owner is changed to the renter company.
  • Kindly refer to section 4.2 for detailed information on usage.

Rented Out

  • The equipment is given to a renter company in a short time period and is expected to returned afterwards.

  • Upon delivery, the equipment’s Owner remains your logged-in company.

  • Kindly refer to section 4.2 for detailed information on usage.

4.2. For external rental project

What happens when an equipment in an external rental project is delivered?

  • Before the equipment is delivered:

  • After the equipment is delivered:

    • The equipment’s owner remains the supplier company. Its rental status becomes Rented out.
    • At the same time, the equipment will be “cloned” into another equipment with identical details, properties, issues, etc.,.
    • This cloned equipment’s owner is the renter company; its rental status is Rented.

This process ensures access of the renter company to the rented equipment during the whole delivery period.