Add search bar when you search for equipment while doing a job

Dear Daisy,

Thank you and your colleague Phuong the other day for the meeting to explain.

The starting point you have described very well. This issue is something I found while performing an inspection with a lot of new items unused, hence a quick inspection seemed faster (to reduce the ammount of time invested in ONIX INSPECT app to proceed from one item to the next one).

We used not to “automatically-File” the jobs after the inspection to ensure final changes could be done to all jobs on the “ONIX-WORK” platform (as after the “Filing” of the job, no edition can be made, for example on Order’s name). For example, our client tends to provide with PO after the inspection has been finished, but if we “Automatically-file” we cannot include such PO for the Quick Inspection jobs.

After the meeting, we reached 3 possible solutions that could provide a solution for this matter, but that should be implemented by ONIX developers (depending on what they decide):

  1. The one you propose, that the status wouldn’t change upon filing (if the quick jobs were in OK status, before Syncing).

  2. Allowing Mass-job edit (at least for quick inspections), from the main “JOB” screen: This could allow to edit múltiple jobs between status on ONIXWORK. This could also be helpful whether any findings affect different jobs and you need to edit them in a fast way in ONIXWORK and allow extra flexibility to manage jobs performed on site, from the office.

  3. The possibility of merging several Jobs in ONIXWORK (this way we could only edit not only one, but multiple jobs at the same times (if they have common comments, for example something related to documentation, traceability, or conditions that apply to all items) and modify only one job that could affecta ll items at the same time. Then, of course, only one “Filing” would be needed for all items.

    • Extra for ONIX INSPECT:
      Additionally, when I intended to do just that with Mss. Phuong and Mss. Ngan the other day in ONIX Inspect platform, to attach several items to one only QUICK-INSPECT Job, we noticed that the Search option within the “multiple addition’s menu” didn’t provide a search bar (and If you have let’s say more than 20-30 items and filters don’t provide a sufficient tool to reduce the items’ listed, the scrolling seems very slow and unreliable method to look for the right item that you need to include in the refered “multiple-quick-inspection-job”).

See below that when you push the top right button to intend and add equipment to the same quick-inspection-job and search for it (without scanning as some labels are wrongly printed), the only option to look for the right item is scrolling (but as you can see in the picture, I have 500+ items, and it’s unreliable to find the right item, not just unreliable but Slow). At that point of the inspection, I am interested in speed to add one item after the other fast (let’s say for back-up items that are unused and are brand new).

I am sure that all these implementations could add in a level up in flexibility for the user as it brings more editing possibilities, but at least today any of them would had helped me with issue today.

Should you need further explanation in any of the proposed solutions, let me know to extend the explanations (although Miss Ngan and Miss Phuong know first hand what I mean, I think).

Best regards,

Hi @Isaac_Forcano,

Thank you for your valuable input!

Solution No. 1 has been registered and will be followed up by our developers. I’ll keep you posted on the progress.

I also wanted to get your thoughts on Solution No. 4 to better understand the challenge. From what I gather, you’re looking for a search functionality within the “Multiple Selection Menu.”

Currently, you can use the search bar before entering the “Multiple Selection Menu” to narrow down the long list of equipment. The filtered results will then carry over into the “Multiple Selection Menu”, meaning you’ll only see the items from your initial search. Would this approach help simplify the process for you?

Looking forward to your feedback!

Dear Nabil,

Unfortunately this functionality I mentioned was revised with your colleagues Nang and Phuong in our teams meeting, but I explained them both how it wasn’t suitable enough for large item numbers:

It is true that we have a “Search Bar” before entering the “multiple Selection Menu” that you mention. It is also true that you can also establish filters that affect the items shown for the “Multiple Selection Menu”. Anyhow, I don’t see how that functionality is helpful enough for an inspector on the field in a client’s facilities let’s say with multiple warehouses and with items spread between them without a specific order.

Let’s say… you will find in one palet stored together, web slings, some 1tx1m, other 2tx1m, other 4tx2m, then next palet again 5tx3m with 10t, and again some 2tx1m that appear again as they didn’t fit in the previous palet, then next warehouse again more web slings mixed with shackles, then a palet full with shackles of different sizes/WLL, another one with shackles mixed with lifting points, then a palet full with swivels different sizes or even brands mixed, etc… if all of these items are to be “Quick-inspected” as they haven’t been used, the same Job could be applied for all of them, but the pre-filters won’t bring me functionality as they are programmed right now (as even when applying them, more than 100 items can appear, and the time needed to “look for the right item on a scroll bar” and then “add it to the quick inspect job” is longer than type on a search bar for its Serial Number and “add it” again (but this isn’t an option with the menu right now, as when you look at the search bar, you cannot quickly add the item to the job).
When a client has let’s say, more than 200 web slings it’s difficult to find the right one you have in front of you with a scroll bar (even when they have the QRscan, sometimes the label is old or damaged and we eventually might need to look for the item on a search bar via his Serial Number). Also for items where a label isn’t suitable (let’s say shackles or Lifting Points), when a client also has more than 300 shackles, more than 200 lifting points, even with filters, finding the right one you have “in front of you phisically” turns more difficult by scroll bar to add multiple selections than register a new “quick-inspect-job”.

Do you get what I mean? The same pictures as before apply for this explanation I think.

If you need further explanation we can set up a meeting and we can discuss it.

Best regards,

Dear Isaac,

Thank you for your detailed explanation. I can definitely see how this would be beneficial for you and other inspectors.

I have updated the status to “To Be Considered” as we are reviewing it for future releases.

I’ll keep you posted on any progress.

Hi @Isaac_Forcano @nabil.omar, since your original post contains 3 suggestions, keeping track of them might become hard if their discussion and implementation happen at different paces.

Therefore, in this topic let’s continue discussing only the 4th point: Add search bar when you select multiple equipment while doing a job.

The other 2 points have been posted under your account, Isaac, so you’ll be notified as usual when someone replies to those 2 points: